
Charity Portfolios

We are able to support charities through our bespoke investment approach. Each charity needs to reflect its policy requirements within its portfolio, and our dedicated Investment Managers will help you achieve this. They will ensure the advice we provide is to your requirements, risk profile and investment restrictions.

Each charity has its own objectives, responsibilities and concerns. As a trustee you need to be certain that your charity's investment portfolio is being managed in accordance with these and that any ethical or environmental constraints are being taken into account. This will help to satisfy your own fiduciary duties and reassure existing and potential donors that the money is being invested appropriately.

They will take the time to understand your needs and the strategy you want your portfolio to support. We can then create an individual portfolio to match your charity’s income and growth targets, attitude to risk and investment policy.

Research and Asset Allocation

Our research team and Investment Managers work closely to achieve the right asset allocation, sector and stock recommendation for each charity portfolio. We look across the whole of the investment market to find the best investment to meet your goals – all suitable options will be considered.

Our in-house research capability is significant, covering UK direct equities, fixed interest instruments, overseas funds and alternatives; a wide range of investment opportunities in order to tailor your portfolio to meet your specific requirements.

Responsible Investing Portfolios

Our bespoke Responsible Investment service is designed for clients who wish to invest their capital into the equity market but avoid industries and businesses involved in, for example, armaments, tobacco, pornography and gambling, whilst also investing in businesses which are making a positive contribution to society. This can be through a positive and proactive approach to the environment, human rights, education or health for example.

Corporate Social Responsibility

At Rowan Dartington every member of staff can allocate two days to pursue charitable causes. We also provide staff with the option to pay directly into CSR projects and each month contributions are given to a chosen charity.

The value of an investment with Rowan Dartington and the income from it may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.