Responsible Investing

What is responsible investing?

Responsible investing involves taking material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities into consideration when making investment decisions. It also means engaging with companies, to encourage them to do similar.

Invest in tomorrow's world

Today’s world presents us with more challenges than most of us could have imagined growing up. You may want to reflect your values in how you choose to invest. To put this into action, we can work with you to construct a portfolio from a range of suitable investments. So, you can invest part or the whole of your wealth
with consideration for your values.

Aligning your money with your values

You can reflect your values with your financial objectives. 

Our range of portfolio services can be useful for individuals and families, as assets are held in a variety of structures, such as bonds, ISAs and self-invested personal pensions. These services can also make sense for charities and small pension schemes looking for investments to reflect values.

You can relax, safe in the knowledge that your investments are being handled by a trusted and experienced team. Your Partner will work with you to decide what service and type of portfolio will best suit your requirements. This leaves you time to focus on what matters most to you.

The value of an investment may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested. The favourable tax treatment of ISAs may not be maintained in the future and is subject to changes in legislation.

To read our Shareholder Engagement Disclosure Statement, click below. 

If you’re interested our Responsible Investment service, please speak to your investment manager or contact us for more details.